Urban Underground Railway (Metro)

General Information:

  • Project Name: Shiraz Urban Underground Railway
  • Client: Shiraz Urban Railway Organization
  • Location: Shiraz, Fars Province, Iran
  • Consultant: Omran Mohit Zist Consulting Engineers
  • Commencement Date: 2002
  • Project Status: Completed
  • Recognition: Shiraz Underground Railway Organization (SURO)


Technical Information:

The scope of the project consisted of construction of metro stations’ structures and tunnels of Shiraz urban railway network including:

  • Construction of cut-off walls and excavation of 10 stations
  • Construction of the metro stations with approximate dimensions of each station: Length = 100 m, Width = 20 m, Heigh = 16 m
  • Construction of two parallel tunnels each 12.5 kilometers long with internal diameter of 6 meters with use of two EPB Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
  • Complete supporting buildings including pre-cast concrete segment factory

Shiraz Metro Tunnels consist of two tunnels with 6.88 m diameter and 15 km length that are excavated under water table in silty clay area. Excavation of these tunnels are performed with two EPB shield TBMs in circular shape and support of these tunnels is done with concrete segments with arrangement of (1+2+2+1) and thickness of 30 cm. There are several methods for passage of shield TBMs from open space (such as Metro station or Shaft). For moving TBMs forward in open space, a sufficient support is needed. Starting of Shiraz metro tunnels excavation in station 1 was done with help of Push Frames and two TBMs after passing 800 m, arrived to shaft of station 2. In station 2, two machines should pass 100m length of station on concrete cradle at open space.